Epsilon Pegasi

  • Name: Epsilon Pegasi
  • Chemical makup:
    • Hydrogen 
    • Helium
  • Location: 
    • Right ascension: 21 hours 44 minutes 11.15614 seconds
    • Declination: +9 degrees 52' 30.0311"
  • Spectral analysis of hydrogen:
  • Stellar classification:
    • Orange supergiant
    • K2I
  • Photograph: 
    • Diagram showing star positions and boundaries of the Pegasus constellation and its surroundings
  • References:
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon_Pegasi
    • https://portal.utpa.edu/portal/page/portal/utpa_main/daa_home/cosm_home/physics_home/physics_files/astr1402-lab2i.pdf
    • http://chemistry.bd.psu.edu/jircitano/H.gif

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