Sore throat

  • Common name
    • Vervain, blue vervain
  • Genus and species name
    • Verbena hastata
  • Habitat
    • Eastern decidious forest 
    • Tall grass prairie
  • Active chemical
    • Hastatoside (found in plant and shoot)
  • Uses
    • Expextorant- expels muscus and other phlegm that have accumuated
    • Eliminate irritation
  • Preparation
    • Tea using either leaves or flowers
    • Must be picked before flowering and dried promptly to be effecttive
    • Can be used as a gargle, but not as common
  • Photo

  • Sources
    •  Heatherley, A. (n.d.). Vervain. Retrieved September 4, 2015. 
    •  Vervain Verbena hastata, V. officinalis. (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2015. 
    •  Health Benefits of Blue Vervain. (2015, August 31). Retrieved September 3, 2015. 

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