

  • Common name
    • Purple coneflower
  • Genus and species name
    • Echinacea purpurea
  • Habitat 
    • Deciduous forest
  • Active chemicals
    • Oncolytic hydrocarbon
    • Figure USRE041393-20100622-C00001
    • Glycosides
  • Uses
    • Pain relief
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-bacterial
    • Antibiotic
  • Preparation
    • Root
    • Chew root into pulpy poultice or tea
  • Photo

  • Common name
    • Rattlesake plantain
  • Genus and species name
    • Goodyera pubescens
  • Habitat
    • Tall grass prairie
  • Active chemicals
    • Glycoside
  • Uses
    • Pain relief
  • Preparation
    • Leaves
    • Chew and make tea
  • Photo

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