Thursday, April 21, 2016


Below is the flow chart used to determine intermolecular and intramolecular forces:

Hint: If the bond is ionic, the bond contains ions. If it does not, it is covalent.


KBr contains ions --> No polar molecules --> Ionic bonding 

Helpful links:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Phase Change Diagrams

Pressure and Temperature

  • Triple point- point at which the solid, liquid and vapor states that all have the same vapor pressure coexist
  • Critical temperature- the temperature above which the vapor cannot be liquefied regardless of the pressure applied
  • Critical pressure- the pressure required to liquefy the vapor at the critical temperature
  • Critical point- point at which the critical temperature and critical pressure coincide


 Helpful links:

Friday, April 8, 2016

Biodiesel Video Project

     We have started filming our project for the biodiesel project! Our video is going to be my partner drawing on a white board with voiceovers explaining the benefits of biodiesel. It is not a super creative concept, but neither my partner or I are very creative and with the tight deadline, we did not want to try and do something completely out of the box that may fail miserably. Also, both of us are not advnaced with using iMovie, the editting program we are using, but it is fairly easy to figure out as we go along. Below is a snippet of the opening of our video.

Biodiesel lab

     We made our own biodiesel in lab today. We did this by taking dirty oil from a fast food restaurant and mixing it with a base solution. We let the solution sit overnight and let the contents separate into the two distinct layers seen below. We then took a micropipette and slowly placed our biodiesel into a separate cup which is seen in the third picture.

Biodiesel after separation

Leftover biodiesel

Our biodiesel and biodiesel candle

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Biodiesel Project

    Today we started our initial research of biodiesel. I did not know much about this topic, so I found the research interesting. Who knew all of the benefits to using biodiesel?

Below are links to some websites we found useful to our research: