Sunday, September 20, 2015

Atomic Theory Notes

In class, we learned about Dalton's Atomic Theory and JJ Thomson's, Rutherford's, and the current atomic model. Following are a summary of the notes for each of these model's:

  • Dalton's Atomic Theory
    • Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms.
    • All atoms of a given element are identical.
    • The atoms of a given element are different from those of any other element.
    • Atoms of one element can combine with atoms of other elements to form compounds. A given compound always has the same relative numbers and types of atoms.
    • Atoms are indivisible in chemical processes. That is, atoms are not created or destroyed in chemical reactions. A chemical reaction simply changes the way the atoms are grouped together.
  • JJ Thomson
    • Used a cathode ray tube to show that atoms of any element could be made to give off what we now know as electrons
    • He concluded that every atom has these tiny, negative charged particles
    • He also knew that atoms have a neutral charge, so there must be an equal amount of positively charged particles  
    • Also known as "plum pudding model" or "chocolate chip cookie model"
    • No nucleus

  • Rutherford
    • Shot high velocity alpha particles at an atom expecting there to be very little to deflect the particles
    • Some particles bounced back
    • Concluded that the only way they could have bounced back was if most of the atom's mass was concentrated in a nucleus
    • Eventually discovered that the nucleus contained protons
  • Current model
    • Also known as the "cloud model"
    • Electrons move around nucleus in a cloud
    • Electron location is pinpointed using proabability


1 comment:

  1. I love the thoroughness of your notes. It really seems like you have a firm grasp on the information. Thank you for sharing the pictures with your notes, it really helps aid them and adds color to the post!
