Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Quiz Disappointments

Over the weekend, I reviewed the material in order to prepare for the quiz Monday. I was feeling pretty good and I feel like I had a decent understanding of what significant figures are, which was the hardest part of the unit so far for me. During the quiz, I felt like I knew what I was doing and felt like I would get an okay grade. When I checked the grade book, unfortunately, the grade was lower than I expected. At least it was a quiz and not the unit test, which is tomorrow, so the 5 points I missed should not tank my grade in the long run.


  1. Macy, I had much of the same disappointment as you. In preparation for the unit test, I made sure to watch plenty of informational videos on the material and completed some online quizzes. Maybe you could also do this as a way to prepare, or maybe you've already done so and you are ready to rock this test!

  2. I to felt disappointed with my quiz grade. I reviewed and watched videos but i guess it didn't help as much as I wanted. Hopefully you ended up rocking the test on Thursday and studied enough material!
