Friday, December 4, 2015

Unit test

     Today we took our test for our chemical reactions unit. I feel like I did not do too badly on this test. I am certain that this unit test went better than the last unit test (chemical composition). This time around I feel like I knew more material on the test and had plenty of time to finish it. I only felt unsure about a handful of questions, but felt comfortable with the material overall. I tried to read every question carefully, but I still feel like I may have forgotten a small deatail and messed up a lot of questions. Hopefully that feeling does not turn out to be true.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same about the test. I went in pretty confident, but when I got the test, I think that I overthought a couple because I was trying to find all the small details that might not have been there. I need to start trusting my gut, because psychology proves that you are more often correct if you go with your initial gut response.
