Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weekly Quiz

Today we had our weekly quiz over our new unit, stoichiometry. From the two class lectures we had, the unit did not seem that difficult. I followed along with the examples that were worked in class and did extra practice. I felt confident with all of the material and while I was working out the problems on the quiz, I maintained that confidence. I did all of my calculations and thought my answer looked right. Then, I looked at the answer choices. None of them were the answer I had gotten with my calculations. This did not happen with just problem, but seven of them. I carefully retyped in my calculations into my calculator hoping to catch my mistakes, but I came out with the same answers. I redid all of my numbers in the calculations and still had no luck in figuring out my mistakes. Hoping for the best.


  1. I agree, going into this quiz, I felt confident in what we were learning! I'm hoping that the same goes for the test. Doing extra problems, like you did for the quiz will probably be really beneficial.

  2. I too felt really confident in what we were learning. When I got to the quiz I did the exact same thing, I thought I had gotten the right answer but none of the answer choices matched mine. I studied a lot over the weekend and now I feel really confident about our test tomorrow.

  3. The exact same thing happened to me. I felt totally confident, but none of my math ended up working out. I went back through the quiz and figured out which ones I did wrong. It wasn't that I didn't know what to do, I was just missing little things that through the entire problem off.

  4. I totally feel for you. This has happened on numerous quizzes and tests for me this year, but after looking over the test later, I realized that I had missed or forgotten something over the course of the process. Hopefully your mistakes on the quiz will help you better prepare for the upcoming test.
