Friday, February 12, 2016

Determining pH and pOH

Use this box to go to and from hydriounium and hydroxide concentrations to pH and pOH. Just follow to arrows you need and use the functions on them. Examples are shown below.

Example 1

     What is the pH of a soultion that is 12.5 M HCl?

The problem gives us molarity of a strong acid, so that is the number we use for the [H+] concentration. We want to go from [H+] to pH, so we use the negative log function. 

-log[12.5]= -1.097

The substance has a pH of -1.097.

Example 2

What is the pH of a solution that has 8.95 M NaOH?

The problem gives us molarity of base, so we use this number for the [OH-] concentartion. This problem is a two step problem in which we can go from [H+] concentration to pH or pOH to pH. You will come out with the same answer either way.

Way 1:

Way 2:

Helpful links:

What is a Logarithm?
pH vs pOH


  1. Macy, this post is the most helpful one I have come across for this whole unit. It was super helpful how you included several examples and even included pictures of your own work. After reading this post, I have a much better understanding of how to find pH, given molarity.

  2. Macy, I appreciate that you put the diagram and examples in this post! Although I thought these conversions were the easiest concept to grasp in this unit, this is a good reminder that I can use to review later in the year! It seems that you have a firm grasps on the concepts presented in this unit.
