Monday, May 9, 2016

Air Bag Lab

     Today in class, we had to determine the moles of baking soda and mL of vinegar that would create enough CO2 gas without bursting the bag as a result. Below is the procedure for how we did so.

  1. Fill a graduated cylinder with a known amount of water and then pour into the ziplock bag. Repeat this until ziplock bag is full. This value is the volume of the ziplock bag. 

  1. Record the pressure and temperature of the room. We were told the temperature was 21 degrees C and the pressure is 29.06 inHg. Then, convert temperature and pressure to Kelvin and atm respectively. Calculaions are shown below.

     3. Use PV=nRT in order to find the moles of CO2. There is a 1:1 molar ratio, so the moles of                  CO2 needed is equal to the moles of NaHCO2 (baking soda). 
     4. Once the number of moles of baking soda and vinegar are found, convert each to g and mL                  respectively. 

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