Sunday, November 1, 2015

Last Meal Project Party

On Friday, we finished our week off with everyone bringing in one of their recipes from the Last Meal Project we had completed. It was nice to have an hour to relax and eat the food everyone brought in to share. The only downside was the majority of people brought in desserts, so you could not taste everything without getting sick. I think I only got to eat maybe a third of the projects brought in. Out of the ones I had the opportunity to try, they were very good, and I assume the rest were tasty too. I feel like the dishes that stood out the most were the ones that were not desserts. For example, I tried some pasta salad, sushi, and a couple different dips that I enjoyed very much. I am not saying that any of the desserts did not stand out, however. One of the desserts brought in were doughnuts that looked like monsters. They even had the plastic fangs in the middle! Also, the Reese's cupcakes with a peanut butter cup in the center and the Ande's Mint cupcakes were among my favorite desserts. It was nice to see all of the effort my fellow classmates put into their projects. The picture below shows two of the cupcake dishes brought in.

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