Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Well That Was Rough...

Yesterday we took our first quiz for this unit, and it was rough. During the quiz, I could tell that I was forgetting to look for a lot of things, such as the diatomics, so I was not expecting to get a good score.  Quiz grades were entered in the gradebook this morning and I was not surprised. On the brightside, it was only 17 questions, so it did not completely cause my grade to plummet, but that means that with few questions, each missed question dramatically affected the quiz score. Hopefully the unit test next week will go better, I just need to review. Below are some helpful links.

The Seven Diatomics

Different Diatomic Acronyms


  1. I also feel like I forgot to look for a lot of things on the quiz too. While studying I remembered them all and then when I got to the test I totally blanked:(

  2. I totally felt the same way! I definitely will check out your videos to help study for the unit test Monday. I find that watching those and following along with the notes we've taken in class at the same time is quite beneficial as well.

  3. Since we just took the unit test and i did as well feel this way, I think the videos and links/book pages helped me out a lot. I hope they helped you out to! Im excited for next unit!

  4. These videos were very useful for studying purposes, I look forward to seeing what you can find for us next unit!
